Code of good conduct

This app is a user community where we aim to maintain a pleasant environment that fosters diversity and inclusion. We are interested in users who behave appropriately and treat others with respect. We are not interested in those who discriminate against others, sow hatred, or engage in toxic behaviors.

Below you will find the rules of good conduct that we apply when moderating profiles in this app. Any violation of these rules may result in the removal of prohibited content, expulsion without prior notice, and/or permanent blocking in the app.

If you notice someone violating the rules in their profile or through a private conversation, we invite you to report it using the report abuse function, and we will take care of reviewing the case. When reporting abuse, we advise you always to check the box that attaches the private messages you have exchanged with the user so that we can properly assess the situation. Be aware, abusive use of the report abuse function can also be punished.

Code of Good Conduct:

- Discriminatory behavior, harassment, defamation, or any other abusive conduct is not allowed.

- Defaming or spreading personal information of other users is not allowed.

- It is strictly prohibited to request money or send payment requests in advance through any method, such as VENMO, BIZUM, NEQUI, PayPal, or others. If you receive such a request, report it immediately.

- It is not allowed to display phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses (except for business premises addresses in professional profiles), social media handles (except in the fields dedicated to that in the profile), or website URLs in public profiles.

- Sending repeated messages (spam), both in private messages and in groups, is not allowed.

- Sending private messages to advertise groups or sending welcome messages to groups is not allowed.

- It is not allowed to make references to drugs or practices related to drug use in your profile. This includes initials, emojis, expressions, or any reference, whether direct or indirect. References to slam, tina, alfa, or any other highly addictive and dangerous substance will be severely sanctioned.

- The sale or purchase of illicit products is not allowed. This includes drugs and any products regulated by law.

- Graphic material showing weapons, drugs, controversial flags, religious or political signs is not allowed. There is a complete list of prohibited content in another help topic.

- The use of fake photos, or using other users' photos as your own, is not allowed.

- Any behavior or content that violates the law, such as pedophilia, child pornography, zoophilia, bestiality, and forced/non-consensual sexual activity, is strictly prohibited. Violations will be reported to the corresponding authorities.

- We prohibit content that, while not illegal, violates the policies of our payment service providers. This includes the display of alcohol, drugs, violence, extreme sexual content, mutilation, blood, scat, weapons, and political or extremist symbols.

- We remove content unrelated to the purpose of connecting people, such as landscapes, cars, and pets, to focus interactions on meaningful connections.

- Activating professional mode is mandatory if you are going to use your profile for commercial purposes.

- Raising your voice, disrespecting, insulting, harassing, or threatening the app's moderation staff is not allowed.

- False abuse reports are prohibited.

- Sharing devices with others is not allowed. If you need to access from a device that is not yours, or if you want to lend your device to someone else, do so only from an incognito browser to protect your privacy.

We do not intend this list to be exhaustive. If in doubt, apply common sense or consult us from the help/contact menu.

If you have violated the app's code of good conduct, your profile has been deleted, and you want to appeal this decision, you can do so. Read the help topic on appeals for more information.





























At my place


At your place










Normally hung


Well hung


Hung XXL




Vers. top




Vers. bottom




No penetration