Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to:
=> Child Pornography (anyone under the age of 18).
=> Depicting or describing persons under the age of 18, or appearing to be under the age of 18.
=> Forced / Non-Consensual Sexual Activity.
=> Oral, anal or vaginal penetration by sex organs, objects
(dildo, strap-on,etc.) or fingers and includes wording or actions indicating lack of consent: rape, force, asleep, drugged, passed/blacked out, chloroformed, unconscious, hypnotized, drunk, intoxicated, inebriated, drugged, stoned sex, etc.
=> Someone who is drunk, sleeping, hypnotized, etc. cannot give consent, and is therefore classified as a violation.
=> No display of any kind of alcohol or drugs may be present, including cans of beer, glasses of champagne, joints, bongs, etc.
=> Bestiality. This includes content depicting or describing sex with
animals, and acts with non-human creatures (aliens, mythological creatures, etc.).
=> Hate Crimes
=> Violence, or extreme sexual violence and/or Pain
=> Weapons of any kind.
=> Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part
=> Blood
=> Scat, depicting or displaying human feces
We also remove content unrelated to the purpose of connecting people, such as landscapes, cars, and pets, to focus interactions on meaningful connections.