If the automatic location does not work for you, it is that you have denied the app the right to read your location. Keep in mind that this is only a problem with the configuration of your mobile, and not a problem with the app!
To reset it, here are some tips that can help you:
== If you use the Android app ==
Go to Android settings, open Applications, search for% site-name%, and activate the location right.
== If you use the PWA app on iOS ==
Go to the iPhone settings, open Safari, Location, and verify that the rights are in Allow or Ask.
Go to iPhone settings, open Safari, Advanced, Website data, and delete the% site-domain% data.
== If you use the web from Safari on iOS ==
Go to the iPhone settings, open Safari, Location, and verify that the rights are in Allow or Ask.
Inside Safari, open www.% Site-domain%, Click on the "AA" icon at the top left, open Website Settings and where it says Location change it to Allow.